Workforce Opportunities
Individualized Employment and Education Services
Jericho Project’s Workforce Opportunities Program helps hundreds of individuals build the skills they need to secure and sustain meaningful employment.

Engaging with Clients and Providing Opportunities for Gainful Employment
The foundation of Jericho’s Workforce Opportunities (WfO) Program is the individualized support we provide to Jericho clients, most of whom have been disconnected from the workforce for extended periods of time and are marginalized from traditional workforce development programs. The program’s consistent engagement with clients throughout the employment process helps them set and achieve their employment goals.
In addition to the universal support provided by the program’s Career Counselors, WfO programming includes workshops, trainings, referrals to job training and educational courses, resume and job search assistance, and work retention and advancement support. In addition, Jericho’s two Employment Specialists help place clients into employment.
Over 60% of Jericho clients participate in Workforce Opportunities initiatives. Our residents have an average hourly wage of $19.21 for full-time jobs and an average hourly wage of $17.51 for part-time jobs.
Jericho’s Veterans Employment Program (JVEP)
JVEP provides personalized vocational services to veterans, including counseling, resume assistance, job interview preparation, and job retention services. Annually, JVEP enrolls 90 veterans and places approximately 60 in new jobs. The program also helps clients improve computer literacy to navigate the job search in a hybrid/remote workplace.
Knowledge and Employment for Young Adults (KEYA)
KEYA offers individualized career and education planning and counseling for homeless, low-income, and at-risk young adults, engaging them in both supportive housing and housing access programs. Annually, KEYA enrolls 80 young adults and places approximately 60 in new jobs.