Young Adult Services
Healthy Transitions Into Independent Living
Jericho Project serves young adults ages 18-24 experiencing homelessness, living in a shelter or on the streets. The program focuses on LGBTQ young adults as this population is especially vulnerable.
Rapid Re-Housing will rapidly re-house young adults from shelters (ideally within 90 days) by providing a variety of financial and social services.
Rapid Re-Housing
Jericho Project rapidly re-houses young adults from shelters (ideally within 90 days) by providing temporary financial assistance and individualized case management to ensure housing stability. Case managers in our program provide participants with referrals to a range of community resources. These include legal services, healthcare providers, mental health and substance abuse treatment centers, recreational facilities, and other support services. The aim is to help individuals overcome various obstacles that may hinder their ability to maintain stable housing. By connecting participants with these essential resources, the program addresses underlying barriers and promotes long-term housing stability.
Knowledge and Employment for Young Adults (KEYA)
Jericho’s employment and education program enables young adults to identify, prepare for, and secure their dream jobs. A career counselor will help you become economically self-sufficient through educational opportunities, job readiness skills training, paid and unpaid internships, and employment placement.
Supportive Housing
On July 17, 2018, our seventh and largest supportive housing residence on Walton Avenue in the Bronx opened. 33 of its apartments are reserved for young adults ages 18-25.
To apply: have your case manager complete a “2010E Application” indicating that you are interested in “Young Adult Housing.” Your case manager will submit it to the Human Resources Administration (HRA) and those applications will be forwarded to Jericho Project.
If you are a homeless young adult in need of employment, education, or housing support, please fill out the form below to find out if you are eligible for our services: