Off the Streets. On with Life.

Tori Lyon Named Chief Executive Officer of Jericho Project

February 2, 2016
Tori Lyon

New York, NY – Jericho Project, a nationally-recognized nonprofit ending homelessness at its roots, has named Tori Lyon as Chief Executive Officer.  Jericho Board President Mark Kopinski announced the promotion recognizing Lyon’s 20 years of innovative leadership, including ten as Executive Director, and her successful advocacy of formerly homeless individuals, veterans and families in achieving fulfilling lives.

“Tori is changing the paradigm of homelessness in New York,” said Kopinski. “Not only has she significantly expanded the number of people who benefit from Jericho’s supportive housing and vital services, but she has also lent her expertise to the City, the State and private partners in forging successful solutions.”

Lyon serves on the Executive Committee for the New York City Coalition on the Continuum of Care Veterans Task Force to end veteran homelessness in New York.  She was recently named to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Task Force to guide the city’s plan to build 15,000 units of supportive housing.

She is a frequent speaker in national forums on strategies for combating chronic homelessness, including rapid re-housing and comprehensive services to help with employment, substance abuse and family reunification.

Expanding Jericho’s reach

Under her leadership Jericho has geometrically expanded the number of people it reaches:  from 250 men and women in five supportive housing residences in 2007, to today serving over 2,000 adults and children through seven supportive housing residences and apartments across the city, and a variety of supportive services.

Among Lyon’s innovations is the Jericho Project Veterans Initiative she spearheaded in 2006 in anticipation of the growing needs among veterans returning from conflicts abroad.  Jericho responded by building two state-of-the-art Veterans Residences in the Bronx, with another now underway, and providing additional housing, homelessness prevention and services that enable 550 veterans a year to restore their civilian lives with dignity.

Lyon also contributed to the growth of Home to Stay, a Robin Hood pilot to help episodically homeless families maintain housing, that has since been expanded by New York City.  Once serving 30 families, Jericho this year will serve over 300.

Looking forward, Jericho will be launching a Young Adult Initiative to address the needs of homeless young adults, with a special focus on those who are Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT).

“Tori Lyon has demonstrated in her work with Jericho and the City that ending homelessness is an achievable goal.  Her force of vision, deep knowledge and persuasive strength are assets to our organization and to the community at large,” Kopinski said.

About Jericho Project:

Jericho Project was founded in 1983 to provide housing and comprehensive services to New York City’s most vulnerable homeless individuals and since then it has enabled thousands to lead fulfilling lives.  Led by the belief that transformation can occur in every individual, Jericho Project creates a community that inspires individual change, fosters sustainable independence, and motivates men and women to reach their greatest potential. 95% of our clients maintain housing stability and 90% of Jericho residents affected by substance abuse maintain their sobriety.

To achieve these goals, Jericho employs rigorous fiscal discipline along with innovative public – private partnerships and a base of passionate donors that has created a solid foundation for its work.  Jericho’s housing and extended services cost $13,000 per person annually, compared to $32,000 for a single shelter, $50,000 for a family shelter, and $168,000 for a jail cell annually.